related metrics presents an opportunity to trigger policy learning, action, and cooperation to bring cities closer to sustainable development.
Visitors to Brazil must obtain a visa from one of the Brazilian diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa exempt countries... Brazil adopts the principle of reciprocity of treatment, that is, entry visa is required for citizens from countries that require an entry visa for Brazilians. This rule applies to the United States, Canada, Australia, and some countries in Asia and Middle East. In the remaining cases, visa is exempted for up to 90 days. Citizens from the European Union and South America do not need an entry visa.
Note: all visitors to Brazil are required to hold a passport having two blank pages, and that will be valid for six months past the date of first entry.
Please see here or here whether you need a visa to enter Brazil, or on the following link en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Visa_policy_of_Brazil#Visa_policy_map. For nationals of countries without visa waiver agreements with Brazil, a tourist visa (VITUR) is required.
IMPORTANT: Please note that each Brazilian Consulate has its own visa processing workflow. For specific document requirements, visa application forms, fees and payment methods, please contact your country's diplomatic representation. International registrants should be particularly aware and careful about procedures and timelines (among others), and should plan travel well in advance. Depending on the country, there are companies specialized in assisting visitors in the process of obtaining a visa.
The process for SDEWES participants to obtain a visa requires a letter of invitation issued by conference organizers. Letter of invitation will be issued only to registered participants (authors) with accepted papers who have settled their fees on time.
Letters will be sent by post to participants, and visa letter fee of 30 EUR will be charged to participants who settle the reduced/special reduced fee. Invitation letter for a visa can be selected in the registration process (under FEE /REGISTRATION menu, select step 2 option for letter of guarantee (needed only for visa purposes).
Before applying for a letter of invitation, please contact your nearest Brazilian Consulate to check whether you need an original letter or if a PDF letter is enough. After that, please fill in your data on the following link: goo.gl/forms. Invitation letters will be issued only after the conference fee has been settled. Please note that it might take up to a week for the visa letter to be issued so if you need a visa letter, please send your request latest by beginning of December.
Click on the picture for larger preview (source: Wikipedia).
Note: Brazil plans to introduce electronic visas for citizens of Australia, Canada, Japan and the United States in the latter half of 2017.